Stella was talking like crazy on the way to and from her ENT appointment today! Although every time I turn the camera on she usually stops, I managed to catch a little bit of my Chatty Cathy. Her silly sounds and cute expressions have us laughing all day so I hope you enjoy watching her personality on camera.
On another note, we had an ENT appointment today and we were hoping to get some answers (or start the process of getting answers) as to why she is vomiting so much. We loved the ENT doctor that we saw...Dr Scott Schraff, but we didn't get many answers. He said that our GI doctor should be able to do a scope (we explained to him that the GI doctor we were seeing wasn't doing much to help and that she told us she couldn't do a scope, that we would have to see an ENT to get a scope so he recommended a GI doc that he works closely with). He said that she looked great from his point of view - she was clearly swallowing well and not having any trouble breathing or showing any signs of aspiration. It seemed to him that her upper airway was fine. He said that if there was any irritation causing her to vomit it would most likely be in her stomach so the GI should do a scope to see if that was the problem. If it wasn't anatomical it could either be neurological (something that could have been caused by her brain damage) or it could be caused from her heart surgery (he said it is common in heart surgeries for the vegus nerve to be irritated during surgeries and this can cause vomiting.) Unfortunately if it isn't anatomical it is hard to test for the specific cause and there aren't many solutions so it's a "wait for it to pass" kind of scenario. Our next step will be to make an appointment with the GI he recommended and to do a scope to rule out an anatomical (stomach irritation) problem or to determine that it is anatomical and to fix it. We're hoping that we can find ANY solution to stop the vomiting because Stella is a much happier girl when she isn't throwing up 6+ times each day.
The kids and I just watched this over and over!